Monday, September 17, 2012

Invitation to Cherish the Chetco: Sept. 21st & 22nd.

South Coast Watersheds and the U.S. Forest Service are co-sponsoring a community river event—Cherish the Chetco--to promote stewardship of the National Wild & Scenic Chetco River. Everyone is welcome.

The event will kick off on Friday Sept. 21 at 7pm with “Wild Rivers Night” at Chetco Library in Brookings, featuring noted river author and photographer Tim Palmer, speaking about the Wild & Scenic Rivers system, and biologist adventurer Slade Sapora showing slides from his recent kayak trek down the Chetco.

On Saturday, Sept. 22, there will be activities up river all day.

In the morning, from 8:30 to noon, volunteers can help weed out English-ivy to help protect a riparian forest that shades the river. (Please preregister at

In the afternoon, from 1 to 5pm, there will be a River Fair at Redwood Bar, with lots of hands-on learning activities for kids and adults. Try different boats, discover the “salmon tent,” learn about fishing, watch plein-air artists at work, make your own art, snorkel, learn about tiny river creatures, harmful invaders, water safety, and more.

For additional activities, and more information about Cherish the Chetco, please <> or contact Project Coordinator Ann Vileisis at 541-332-0261 /

The Curry Coastal Pilot on September 4, 2012 has a nice article about the event and the Wild Rivers Coast Rivers: 
Notably, river author and photographer Tim Palmer will discuss the National Wild & Scenic Rivers legislation. Palmer is an award-winning author of 22 books about rivers, conservation and adventure travel. He’s paddled more than 400 waterways, and will address some of the nation’s wild and scenic – including those on the south coast of the area. 
According to the National Park Service, the U.S. has 3,400 waterways – only a quarter of 1 percent – designated as Wild & Scenic Rivers. Oregon has 58 such waterways – representing 1,916.7 miles of designated rivers – almost 2 percent of the state’s rivers.
“Our suite of rivers on the coast of southern Oregon is one of the finest in America,” Palmer said from his home in Port Orford. “There is no other concentration as fine as ours: The Smith, the Illinois, the Rogue, the Chetco, the Elk – there is no other combination like it. It’s a remarkable place.”